Teeling Single Grain Irish Whisky 700ml
Teeling Single Grain Irish whiskey stands out as an entirely distinctive expression, challenging traditional norms and embracing innovation at the juncture of tradition and modernity. Crafted with a daring approach, it features an unconventional mash bill comprising 95% corn and 5% malted barley, undergoing triple distillation and aging solely in French oak ex-Cabernet Sauvignon red wine casks sourced from California. This meticulous process yields a truly unparalleled Irish whiskey, characterized by its exceptional flavor profile and individuality.
Alcohol percentage, 46%
Bottle volume ml,700ml
Nose, Honeyed apple flesh and red grape, sweet and slightly floral with fragrant vanilla and spice, evaporated milk and brown sugar.
Palate, There's treacle on the palate, but it's light and buttery with dried cranberry developing.
Finish, Finish Into golden syrup tart and sweet egg custard now with spicy cereal.