Penfolds Koonunga Hill Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
The cabernet sauvignon grape varietal is widely planted across South Australia’s premium wine regions, particularly in the Limestone Coast where grapes with tremendous structure and beautiful aromatics are found. Well-regarded since its launch in 2002, the Koonunga Hill Cabernet Sauvignon showcases the merits of multi-regional blending to Penfolds ‘House Style’. A bold, full bodied wine displaying lovely aromatics, excellent structure, and great length.
Alcohol percentage, 14.50%
Bottle volume ml,750ml
Dark core, purple rim.
The nose is varietally defined, with a distinctive chocolate/mint note immediately to the fore. With a gentle swirl, generous dark fruits emerge. Fresh satsuma plum, mulberries and blackberries. The confectioners shop appears again, with a suggestion of red liquorice. Toasted oak is manifesting as roasted hazelnuts...Nutella!
The palate is firm, structured and very generous. Milk chocolate flavours lead the way, with a generous berry compote close behind. The tannins are silky, almost waxy or polished, creating a fine graphite like core. The texture is verging on lanolin, cheese rind, creamy. Juicy and utterly delicious.