Johnnie Walker Red Label 375 ml
Johnnie Walker Red Label is our Pioneer Blend, the one that has introduced our whisky to the world. Highly versatile and with universal appeal, it has a bold, characterful flavour that shines through even when mixed. Johnnie Walker Red Label is now the best-selling Scotch Whisky around the globe. Perfect for parties and get-togethers, at home or going out. Enjoy with friends.
Johnnie Walker Red Label is crackling with spice and bursting with vibrant, smoky flavours. It’s a blend that combines light whiskies from Scotland’s East Coast and more peaty whiskies from the West, creating an extraordinary depth of flavour. Johnnie Walker Red Label tumbles onto your palate with the freshness of spray from a breaking wave, bringing the unmistakable zing of aromatic spices - cinnamon and pepper - fizzing over the centre of your tongue. There’s a suggestion of fruity sweetness, like fresh apple or pear and a mellow bed of vanilla, before the Johnnie Walker signature of a long, lingering, smoky finish.
Alcohol percentage, 40%
Bottle volume ml,375ml
Brand,Johnny Walker