Crafter’s Aromatic Flower Gin 700ml
A unique combination of 12 carefully selected aromatic herbs, distilled in copper pot still for a rich, round and elegant taste. Rose hip flowers and meadowsweet are characteristic botanicals to the long and in large part untouched Estonian coastline.
Alcohol percentage, 44.30%
Bottle volume ml,700ml
Color, From copper-gold to light pink.
Aroma, Refreshingly aromatic, flowery. Round and complex. The rose hip flowers and meadowsweet are at the core.
Taste, Round and slightly bitter. A rich and elegant bouquet of sweet flowers and crisp juniper.
Finish, Crafter’s gin family is all handcrafted from the best spirit and botanicals, only the best for gin enthusiasts all over the world. High quality every step of the way. Each bottle is finished by hand.