Bombay Sapphire Gin 750ml
Our world famous gin in its distinctive blue bottle. Every drop contains 10 hand-selected botanicals from exotic locations around the world. 40% abv going to great lengths our master of botanicals ivano tonutti doesn't just go the extra mile he goes an extra thousand miles. He hand-selects the botanicals used in our gin and builds personal relationships with each grower. Infused with care once we've hand-selected the finest botanicals on earth there’s no way we're then going to boil them. We gently vapour infuse them to capture their bright vibrant flavours. The perfect balance every one of our gins reflect our rigorous selection process and uncompromising approach to creating fresh clean bright flavours that are perfect for creating exceptional mixed drinks.
Alcohol percentage, 40%
Bottle volume ml,750ml
Brand,Bombay Sapphire