Taylor’s 30 years Tawny Port Wine 750ml
The NV 30 Year Old Tawny Port, bottled in February 2016 and sealed with a bar-top cork, boasts a residual sugar content of 126 grams per liter. Displaying commendable concentration while retaining a refined mid-palate, it presents a complexity that culminates in a robustly intense finish, accented by nuances of burnt orange peel and molasses as it gently warms the palate. Although upon initial tasting, some noticeable alcohol may be detected, particularly upon revisiting the next day, with further aging, it gradually evolves into a smoother profile, albeit retaining a subtle edge. This Port embodies a rather austere demeanor, characterized by its dry and contemplative nature, reminiscent of the classic pairing of Port (or Cognac), cigars, and blue cheese. It exudes an air of seriousness, coupled with an enduring finish. While capable of enduring over time, provided there are no issues with the cork, it is ideally savored in the present rather than being stored for extended periods.
Alcohol percentage, 20.00%
Bottle volume ml,750ml
Color, Deep, old gold color
Nose, Hints of dried fruit and honey offsetting the rich nutty aromas.
Finish, Subtle dried fruit flavours underly, exotic layers of caramel and nuts culminating in an endless finish