Midori The Original Melon Liqueur 700ml
MIDORI® is the original melon liqueur enhanced by premium Japanese muskmelons that can be enjoyed with juices, spirits and other liqueurs - a fruity sensation of fresh melons. Midori® Melon Liqueur’s quality and delicious taste come from the blending of the juices of premium muskmelons — which are extremely rare in Japan. Grown in only one region of Japan, they are incredibly hard to find. Because of this, they can sell for as much as US $20,000 in their first harvest. In addition to their rarity, both musk melons are cultivated in rich soils to create the tastiest melons. By extracting the essence from two different Japanese melons using two different production methods, a premium melon flavor is born.
Alcohol percentage, 20%
Bottle volume ml,700ml